I feel like I’ve been driving 85 mph on the highway on an empty tank of gas. For the past few weeks, I have been sacrificing my personal down time for the sake of others. I’m in no way complaining; I’m very grateful to be a service to others. BUT, every once in a while, I have to tend to my own needs.
“Never make a decision when you’re tired, hungry, or angry” said some genius somewhere. Now, I understand why. I can be a B…. (you know) when I’m tired, cranky when I’m hungry, and when I’m angry, I’m very unresponsive, unreasonable, unmoved, etc….. You see how this is going. I’m not a horrible person but I’m human. I know these things about myself and realized that I needed a break. I went home, to the country, for a few days last week. I spent Thanksgiving with little to no cell phone service and I enjoyed each moment. This entire year, I haven’t really taken more than a few days off from work. I spent time with old friends, ate and slept good, my mom cooked breakfast for me, spent time with my family, and cooked with my mom and step dad. I wasn’t worried about logging into my laptop for work, no one asked me anything, I wasn’t thinking about anything dealing with life outside of the bubble I had created for those few days.
We move so fast through our lives that we often neglect ourselves. We push ourselves to the limit and stress over circumstances that we can’t control. It’s OK to say NO sometimes, we are not SUPER HUMANS. Take time for yourself, go to a spa, get your nails done, read a book, go to a concert, hit the gym, whatever it takes to RECHARGE YOUR SOUL. Don’t let fatigue, hunger, or irritation make your decisions for you. Make sure you take the time to clear your head and nourish your core. This past weekend we lost some very influential people, Paul Walker, Paul Crouch, and Roger Rodas. Let’s be thankful we’re still here and do our best to make our mark in someone’s heart.
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