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Monday, December 30, 2013

Thank You!

Last week I was so mad and frustrated and I allowed that anger to speak venom.  I felt horrible afterwards because the situation was my own fault.  And then again, last Friday, another situation occurred that was out of my control.  I was upset but this time I remained silent and prayed.  I slept it off. It could’ve been worse.  It just felt like every possible thing that could wrong did, in a matter of days, and cost me money!  But God! But God has been too good to me for me to pout and throw temper tantrums.  I can’t always be in control and you’re a fool if you think you can control every aspect of your life (trust me, I’m still learning this). 
Instead of focusing on what I want to change for the New Year, I’ve been thinking about my accomplishments.  I’ve grown so much in 12 months.  I’ve gained new networks, enhanced my personal and professional development, started this BLOG, become a better person, joined a new church, etc! I AM SO PROUD AND AMAZED AT ME!  This girl here, that was written off as a loud-mouth-too-smart-for-your-own-good child.  I’m far from where I think I should be and right now I don’t even have a clue on where I’ll end up.  I CAN tell you that I’m much farther away from my fears and insecurities that I harbored for so long.  Every week I’ve been writing down short tasks and goals and making sure I accomplish them all (for the most part).  I’ll continue that habit in the New Year.
I want every one who reads this to praise your self.  Pat your back, clap your hands, SMILE.  You made it! You may not have lost the weight, saved the money, or got that new job but you’re alive.  Seize the moment and acknowledge your growth.  Keep pressing, keep fighting, keep reading, interceding, pushing, striving, moving, kicking, or whatever you need to do to get where you want to be.  I appreciate you all for encouraging me to pen my thoughts and I hope you’ll continue to inspire me! I have some great projects in the works for 2014.

Be Blessed,


Here are some of my best moments of 2013:

Monday, December 16, 2013

the Power of 1

On December 5, 2013, Nelson Mandela departed from this earth.  His unselfish commitment to humanity led to the abolition of apartheid and he became the first Black president of South Africa.  Behind this great man, stood thousands of people, like you and I, who contributed to Mandela’s activism and movement.

Caroline Hunter was an anti-apartheid activist and is now a retired teacher. In 1970, she was hired as a chemist for Polaroid at the age of 21.  She noticed a large picture in her office of the photo ID cards that Black South Africans were required to wear due to Apartheid (An official policy of racial segregation formerly practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites, TheFreeDictionary).  Polaroid’s technology produced these ID cards for the South African government.  Hunter and another colleague organized protests and started the Polaroid Workers Revolutionary Movement.  Hunter and others were soon fired but, in 1977, Polaroid stopped providing services to the South African government.

Everyone has a VOICE and CHOICE.  Your one voice can make a huge impact. We are often faced with situations that make us uncomfortable or uneasy.  It’s time that we start speaking UP and OUT.    Whether it’s at work, school, or home, we can make a difference.  We say stuff like “if one person would’ve spoken up” this and that could’ve happened.  I always hear “You always have something to say”, “you talk too much”, “you’re too opinionated” but you know what, I have a VOICE and I choose to use it.  I’m still learning how to use my voice effectively and I realize it’s about choosing my battles carefully.  Again, we all have a voice and we can choose to use it to affect the world around us.  You might not gain the accolades of Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, or Mahatma Gandhi, but I guarantee if you use your voice wisely, you can have a domino effect in the world surrounding you.  Let’s multiply the Power of One.

 Nelson Mandela, Caroline Hunter, and Winnie Mandela


Monday, December 2, 2013


I feel like I’ve been driving 85 mph on the highway on an empty tank of gas.  For the past few weeks, I have been sacrificing my personal down time for the sake of others.  I’m in no way complaining; I’m very grateful to be a service to others.  BUT, every once in a while, I have to tend to my own needs.
“Never make a decision when you’re tired, hungry, or angry” said some genius somewhere.  Now, I understand why.  I can be a B…. (you know) when I’m tired, cranky when I’m hungry, and when I’m angry, I’m very unresponsive, unreasonable, unmoved, etc….. You see how this is going.  I’m not a horrible person but I’m human.  I know these things about myself and realized that I needed a break.  I went home, to the country, for a few days last week.  I spent Thanksgiving with little to no cell phone service and I enjoyed each moment.  This entire year, I haven’t really taken more than a few days off from work.  I spent time with old friends, ate and slept good, my mom cooked breakfast for me, spent time with my family, and cooked with my mom and step dad.  I wasn’t worried about logging into my laptop for work, no one asked me anything, I wasn’t thinking about anything dealing with life outside of the bubble I had created for those few days. 
We move so fast through our lives that we often neglect ourselves.  We push ourselves to the limit and stress over circumstances that we can’t control.  It’s OK to say NO sometimes, we are not SUPER HUMANS.  Take time for yourself, go to a spa, get your nails done, read a book, go to a concert, hit the gym, whatever it takes to RECHARGE YOUR SOUL.  Don’t let fatigue, hunger, or irritation make your decisions for you.  Make sure you take the time to clear your head and nourish your core. This past weekend we lost some very influential people, Paul Walker, Paul Crouch, and Roger Rodas.  Let’s be thankful we’re still here and do our best to make our mark in someone’s heart.


Sunday, November 17, 2013

What are you Invested in?

I recently completed an 8 month development program at work.  The commitment, the tears, the dedication, and most importantly, the work have been well worth the effort.  I have grown so much in the past months at my job, professionally and personally.  I can say it has been one of the most important INVESTMENTS I’ve made in a while.
The best investment we could ever make is in ourselves.  I have heard so many people complain about not getting ahead in life because of prior mistakes, FEAR, and ignorance of resources.  In a discussion that I attended, the panelists spoke out about resources that are available in our communities on a local, state, and federal level.  The problem, they said, is that most people don’t show up to events to get the knowledge and tools being offered, for free in most cases.  “Housing Fair”, “Grow Your Business”, “Gain Financial Literacy”, etc….Most of the time when people see events like this, they never attend.  We don’t want to take the time on a Saturday morning to learn about government grants for small business, learn how to manage our debt, the steps needed buy a home, and other services that are offered.  I bet if you got an email saying that your favorite store had a 50% sale at 8am or that you could get into the club free until 11pm that you would be the first in line! (#Hello).  After you purchase those new shoes or party all night, what have you gained the next day? How has your value improved?  By no means, am I perfect and everyday I struggle to make these decisions.  Believe me, sometimes I’d rather shop or hang out then go to a boring seminar or class! At the end of the day, material possessions fade away with the seasons.  But if you have a solid foundation of knowledge, you’ll be able to conquer your biggest dreams!  Read books, talk to your elders, go to those free courses you may see advertised at your job or school and educate yourself!  There are plenty of resources available to build your wealth, you just have to ask about them and seek the information.  When you invest in yourself, others will gain from your knowledge and understanding.  Go INVEST in something today!  Here are a few tips to help you get started below:

Monday, November 11, 2013

Radio B Interview/Listening party

It’s a Thursday night around 11:30pm.  Nickelus F and an 18 year old producer by the name of Cashby are sitting in front an iMac with headphones on, head bopping to the music only they can hear.  They are busy putting the final touches on RVA’s own Radio B’s upcoming album “Whole Foods” that releases on Tuesday, Nov 12, 2013.  We’re in the “War Room”, Radio B’s home studio.  A mic, keyboard, desk, and a lamp decorate the interior of the room but it’s the soul and creativity within these walls that gives the “War Room” its character.  Radio B and Nickelus F are eager to talk about their upcoming projects. 

“Whole Foods” is the album dropping on Tuesday.  The concept “started as a short EP project.  Vintage golden era 90s sound and heavy beats.  I have new producers involved,” says Radio B.  “It’s organic, nourishing, food for thought, no preservatives; pure music…gets back to the basics of why I started rapping”.  On this album, Radio B reached out to about 20 local Richmond, VA artists to participate in a cipher, which is broken up into 3 parts on the album.  Radio B also names Nickelus F as the biggest driving creative force, producing and mixing a large portion of “Whole Foods”. Listeners can expect features from Nickelus along with the legendary DJ Lonnie B and Michael Millions.  Radio B also reached out to 18 year old VCU freshman Cashby for production whom he met backstage at a Joey Badass concert.   Other producers include OhBliv, Stoop Kid, the duo Trac-qaeda, and NameBrand, who produced the title track.  “Mostly all of his prior, known music was done by me, but this is a great, dope project. I was able to be a fan, only producing one track”, NameBrand says.
It’s obvious that Nickelus and Radio B have a strong connection, like brothers.  The two have been friends for the last 10 years, meeting at an event hosted by DJ Lonnie B.  “We’re kindred spirits as far as music…it’s always respect, a foundation built on the talent.  We’ve grown together, did shows up and down the east and west coast, lived, and fought together,” Radio says, speaking on their relationship.  “I won the rap battle that night, by the way. But Nickelus wasn’t in it”.  Turning the conversation to Nickelus F, he speaks on his upcoming projects: “I put out Vices, Petey Petey, and Yellowgold 2 this year… I’m focusing on visuals for all of my projects, doing shows, and I’m releasing an album the top of 2014”.  So I ask, is he trying to go mainstream, after all the success he’s had? “I would like to be as successful as possible; but I like where I’m at.  Took me a while to find my voice and what direction I wanted to be.  The goal is to make every song as popular as possible”, says Nickelus F.  “I just want to make bunch of money, some how, some way”.  He plans to make physical copies of his recent work, putting it on cassette tapes by the end of this year.  Both Radio B and Nickelus F are surprised of my reference to Raekwon’s critically acclaimed Purple Tape!
Radio B seems to be surrounded by positive energy all the time.  As he puts it, “We’re just a group of talented friends… We have a list of commandments with the number 1 rule being that none of our issues are public”.  His mantra is “Live Good, Be Great”.  As he explains it, it is “something that people can apply to their own lives.  Every individual can relate to it… I want to inspire and motivate people”.  As far as his vision for “Whole Foods” Radio B just wants to expand his audience independently and generate some income.  The album drops Tuesday, November 12, 2013 online at  It will also be available in BK music and iTunes soon.  You can get Nickelus F’s music on iTunes and Spotify.  Also, check out clips from the listening party that took place on Saturday, Nov 9 at SneakerBar, Richmond VA.


Thursday, October 31, 2013

I Already Voted 4 Obama?

While trying to get people registered to vote at the 2nd Street festival in early October (in 90° heat), it seemed as if everybody had the same statement embedded in their brains: “I already voted for Obama”.  This made me laugh and also very annoyed.  Here I am, hot and sticky, trying to educate people on the importance of voting in their local elections and all they can say is, “I already voted for Obama”. Excuse me while I laugh…again. 
            We made history in 2008 and again in 2012.  College students, celebrities, and the elderly (some who had never voted) came out in droves to vote in the presidential election.  I too, voted for the first time in 2008 and was very proud to be a part of that campaign through voting and volunteering.  But ask yourself, really, in these last 5 years, how much has really changed? How many of us sit back and blame Obama for his “lack” of leadership, rising gas prices, the economy, and every other gripe we have with our government?  Do you know why Mr. President has difficulty achieving some of his goals, especially the CHANGE we all voted for?  Because none of us care about our local elections.  Forgive me because this post will be a little lengthy but I need to educate some of yall. The President CAN NOT, I REPEAT CAN NOT truly help the country unless he has the support of the American people.  And by support, I mean going to the polls and voting for your local candidates who directly affect your everyday lives.  Put it like this, your church has a pastor, a board of trustees, deacon board, and etc.  This system operates with a head and then a supporting body to achieve common goals.  If your pastor doesn’t get along with the deacons…well yall know how that goes, he has no power in the church.
The election is on TUESDAY, November 5, 2013. I urge you to visit the websites below which will give you all the info you need to make an informed decision about who you want in office and which issues matter to you.  Remember, “local elections have a more dynamic impact on your every day life: tax rates, funding public schools, economic development, etc.” (thanks to my political advisor @tcoop32)  You can’t complain about your environment if you’re not going to do anything about it! It’s up to us to be the CHANGE we voted for in 2008 and 2012.  Let’s do our part and VOTE this Tuesday.
Virginia State Board of Elections

Also, look at these cuties on Halloween.  And best celebrity costume goes to Tisha Campbell-Martin and Tichina Arnold (Pam and Gina) dressed as Tyra and Ms. Jay from Top Model

Monday, October 21, 2013


Thousands (maybe millions) tuned in to VH1 to watch CrazySexyCool: the TLC story.  I mean, who didn’t love the chemistry, sisterhood, and notoriety that made T-Boz, Chili, and Left Eye one of the best selling acts of all time! Did you not, at times, think you were really watching the girls live? This film covered everything from alcoholism, to abortion and sickle cell disease.  But, there was also another story being told here, a story of determination.
You ever start something and when one thing goes bad or gets too overwhelming you just quit? We allow fear of failure to stunt our growth and doubt to mask our dreams.(Amen somebody?!) Fear =False Evidence Appearing Real (@tcoop32).!  Fear is cancerous when we doubt our abilities. Fear will eat us alive, slowly killing our ideas and weakening our character.  We’ve got to step out on faith and go the extra mile. Just because you have faced a few set backs, you can always pick right back up and keep going. Unlike a DVR, we can’t pause or rewind our lives. No one can edit your scenes and no there won’t be any reruns shown! Take a minute and Google your favorite person that you think is successful.  Read their biography, highlight their struggles, and I guarantee you, you’ll find that they never lost hope.  In spite of bankruptcy, illness, alcoholism, absent parents, unplanned pregnancy, even death, TLC never gave up. They never stopped reinventing themselves and they kept moving.  It’s never too late to start again. Some of us just need to GET STARTED!!!  Today is your day. Leave me a comment and let me know the FEARS that you will let go, today!!! #BeFearFree
Im not invisible, Im right here”-Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes


One of my fav TLC songs:

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Who do We think We Are?

Lana Michelle Moorer (MC Lyte) was the honoree on this year’s BET Hip Hop Awards.  Amazing woman, beautiful human being!  Her last words during her speech were, “If you want to be treated like a queen, ACT LIKE ONE”!  Those words took me back to Sunday’s sermon about knowing who you are, whose you are, and what you possess! 
We have learned to compare ourselves to others: we compare our physical features, finances, material possessions, and popularity.  I am guilty of this as well. I used to (and still do) look at people who I perceived to be doing better than me and think, why can’t that be me? I was constantly comparing myself to others and becoming frustrated when my life didn’t go as planned.  The comparisons only led to competition!  What I have found is that comparing myself to the next distracts me from my purpose.  When I competed for the wrong purpose, I came up short every time.
We all can’t be millionaires, rappers, world class athletes or Barack and Michelle and, to be honest, most of us couldn’t handle that life.  Instead, we should only compare ourselves to what we used to be (thanks Joe Budden) and to what we want to be.  We have to learn to love what we already have and we will have more to love!  As a child of God, I know that I am “fearfully” and “wonderfully” made (Psalms 139:14)!  It’s time we recognized that each of us has a gift inside, just waiting to be shared.  We should expect greater and live greater than our circumstances.  You never know the struggles or insecurities that chick with the coke bottle shape and 30 inch weave has, or what those guys buying bottles in VIP have been through.  Love yourself for who you are and what you are! Your biggest opponent is YOU!  And I leave you with the words of Janelle Monae:
“Even if it makes others uncomfortable
I wanna love who I am
Even if it makes others uncomfortable
I will love who I am”
