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Monday, June 9, 2014

Mr. Suave

I first met Ryan last year at a Richmond Young Professionals meeting. At the end, Ryan came over and introduced himself to me as he was the director of membership. Long story short, it turned out that we worked for the same company, same building, same floor, and sat a few feet away from each other.  I was also starting a development program at work the next day and he was one of the leaders!   First impressions are really important.  No matter where I see Ryan, he always has a smile on his face, is always dressed for an interview, his demeanor never changes, and he always has a minute to spare!     Ryan is originally from New Orleans (you can’t miss his strong, southern accent) and will quickly (but politely) educate you on the proper way to say it.  It’s not N’awlins or New Or-leens, simply New Or’lins (I think I got it right lol).  This brother has accomplished a lot to be under 30.

When Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005, Ryan and his family were hit hard.  He was a student at Tulane University and had to relocate to the University of Houston. Upon return to Tulane, he became a member of Kappa Alpha Si fraternity.  After Tulane cut his program he transferred to Vanderbilt University and received his Master’s in Electrical Enginieering.  He was an IT guru at my job but is now heading to the University of Chicago Booth School of Business to get his MBA.  This young man has been to London to the Olympics and plans to go to the United Arab Emirates/Dubai this summer.  He is always volunteering at work and outside of work, serves as a member of several boards, and again, always has a smile on his face.  He told me that after Katrina someone told him, “Although, you lost everything in Katrina, you and your family are alive, so you have nothing to complain about " and it changed his perception on what is truly valuable in his life.  I always tell Ryan, “I want to be like you when I grow up”.  

So today, I salute you Ryan and say goodluck on your new chapter! I will miss you my friend but know you are destined for great things.   I asked Ryan what is something that every man should have.  He responded, “A silk pillowcase”.  I literally laughed out loud when he emailed me that.  His explanation, “so that your significant other won’t mess up her hair”.  Only you Ryan lol.

1 comment:

  1. This is good and I see why you picked him, smart, handsome, witty, thoughtful, and determine.


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